How to Become a Successful Blogger

How to Become a Successful Blogger


 Blogging these days has become a successful way to communicate your ideas to the world without any hassle and it is one of the most financially viable ways to do it.

One does not require to be an expert to be a blogger, anyone from anywhere can start blogging, but to become a most successful blogger takes time, passion and commitment.

Many of them are not able to continue blogging because they feel bored to do so but with time and consistent effort success is always a step ahead.

Successful Blogger

Before you start blogging know why you want to be a blogger and what you want to write about. Is it passion or an intention to earn money.

Remember one cannot earn money from blogging overnight as it takes a time to reach out to more and more people. It is good to start with your passion and as a hobby to begin with.

You will never get bored with blogging and also will find an opportunity to meet a few of the best people around the world. Below are the 20 ways to become a successful blogger.

Strategies for Becoming a Successful Blogger:

Register your domain name and hosting:

Always have a domain in your own name, as it is easier for people to remember your name. These days domain names are priced efficient making it convenient to register on it. Own name domains have their own advantages, out of many one need to understand the changing dynamics of the web world.

It will provide you with an exclusivity in first go. As a blogger you will be the only one with this name, hence it will become a brand in itself as time goes by.

Choose the right platform for blogging:

As a beginner, if you choose to start with some blogging platform, remember to use the appropriate one. Start with Blogger, since it reaches is vast when compared with other blogging sites.

As you grow to become an ardent blogger, Blogger will be helpful to reach out to a maximum number of people. To begin on Blogger is not a complicated process like any other platform you just need to register on it.

Choose the right theme:

To have a right theme is extremely important in the long term since it will become your branding for future and reader will recognize your blog from the theme itself.

WordPress offers more than 3,000 themes to choose from. Be patient with it and choose the best which will fit your style and goes with your content. Don’t just be tempted to use themes randomly, before finalizing it give it a thought and ask why you want to use that theme.

Have a strong content:

To keep your reader hooked to your blog and encourage them to keep coming back again, it is important to have a strong and impactful content. Ensure to have a relevant subject of discussion every time you post on the blog. Do not divert from the main content, as it will make your topic of discussion irrelevant.

Have your own style:

If you are a beginner then it is good to browse and read other blogs of similar content as you would like to write on. It becomes easy to be swept away by other’s style of writing but this is a mistake to be avoided. Find your own style of writing and communicating, your words should be your voice and not someone else.

The reader should feel as if they are communicating with you. In case you don’t know your style, use trial and error method and find out your own style.

Use catchy headline:

These day people have a short span of attention, if they do not find something interesting in the first go, they might not explore it ahead. It is important to have a great and catchy headline to captivate someone’s attention to your blog.

Avoid using regular and boring lines, best it to do some research and understand what kind of headlines are used by successful bloggers.

Use good visuals:

The picture speaks a thousand word. To keep your reader glued to your blog, look for an interesting and apt visual for your blog. There are many websites which provide free images or you can also buy them.

The best way is to put something which is clicked by you. As it will give a personal touch to your blog and reader will find it to be a visual treat different from what they look at.

Emphasize on SEO:

This is a very important aspect to become a successful blogger. Learn what are the keywords that are searched on the web. Learn the guidelines on Google to be on top of the homepage. Try to develop and organize the content under simple and short subheadings. It is a cost-effective marketing strategy and can be done easily by yourself.

Prevent 404 errors:

Many times we see that when clicked on a link it shows an error of missing resources. It is good to check by yourself to prevent it happening to others as it will be losing out an opportunity. It is good to fix them with the help of various tools available online or ensure to remove and add an alternative link to it.

Good typography and layout:

A readable test is an important aspect of a blog. Do not make it so fancy or cluttered that it is not readable. Avoid using too fancy layout to work on. Keep your text simple and standard, ensure that it is also readable on a mobile.

Fancy texts are good to look at but hard to read. Also, use the appropriate font size. Too large or too small hurts the eyes. Keep it simple and readable.

Ensure mobile-friendly web:

Keep in mind with the immense growth of technology has made it easy for people to access the internet at any given point of time. Try keeping a theme, layout, and font which is also mobile friendly.

The web format should be mobile friendly also. This will give people to go through your blog even if they are walking or have a break of ten minutes and they will respond or comment on it immediately.

Do it for passion:

Money is definitely an important aspect of everyone’s life. But if you are blogging only for money then think again, since initially, it is not going to pay you that big bucks that you would be expecting from it.

To grow and be successful in any endeavor, passion is an important element. Write about the topic which is close to your heart and you can relate to it. This will never bore you which will reap greater benefits in a larger picture.

Connect with other bloggers:

Try to find out other bloggers with similar content of your blog. Comment on them, share your views and feedback on their articles, discuss it with them and you might find interesting content for yourself to write on.

The Internet has shortened the distances among the people, so take full advantage of it and know more and more people from different parts of the world.

Do not forget to mention about yourself:

Another important thing is to write about yourself. What you do professionally, your hobbies, from where you are. Give a personal aspect of your life. This will generate curiosity among people to learn more about the blogger.

Your own personal self will become your brand image from which people will recognize you. This might get you noticed to some magazine or a web where you can contribute your ideas.

Keep updating the page regularly:

The commitment to write on your blog regularly is essential as it will keep the reader coming back to it again and again. Preferably write short articles on daily basis, plan the list of topics a few days earlier make a list of when it should be posted, and do a research beforehand. This will save a lot of pressure on you to do things on last moment and give you an edge on other blogs.

Link your blog with other similar websites:

Connect with other similar websites talk to them and insist on cross-marketing, link your websites to other websites or something relevant to it. For example, if you are an automobile blogger then you can connect to automobile websites to link with them ensuring that you review their models and sharing info about their products. People visiting these websites will automatically come to your site hence will get to see the content.

Prevent from plagiarism:

Plagiarism will help your blog from content issues and keep your content as original as possible, This will increase the chances to be on top for SEO. Especially if you are a beginner blogger then a plagiarism should be well taken care of.

Try not to copy from others website, refer them, understand them but have your own point of view. Your individuality will be noticed easily giving a chance to develop your own personal style.

Mention your blog URL in email signature:

This is a small yet a significant step. Always mention your blog URL in your email signature. Those who are not aware of your blog will come to know about it giving them the opportunity to know more about you. Sometimes is a small step to market yourself where more and more people come to know about your blog.

Be active on social media:

Take full advantage of technology, be active on various social platform share your blog with them, talk about it there, share your experiences and share what motivated you to write on it. It increases the higher chances of getting noticed and connecting to like-minded people who will be interested to read your blog and share their views on it. Ask your friends and acquaintances to share it on their wall for more and more people to see.

Keep a track of your page rate:

The more and more people visiting your page is a good sign of your blog reaching out to more and more people. But the important factor is how many people return to your blog, the number of people who religiously follow your blog is the ones who will increase the reach of your blog.

There are ways online tools which will help you track the number of visitors on your page, the duration of their stay on the page. Keep a track on them regularly.

There is no rule or science to become a successful blogger but some basic yet essential steps to be kept in mind. Anyone can become a blogger but do follow your passion, Otherwise, you might get bored in the long run.  Keep your blog updated and engage with people, it is also a way to learn more and more from others too.

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